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Animals | Birds | Plants | Ocean Animals

Explore words of the world and learn the names of a variety of animals or plants in the six most widely spoken languages.

Curious minds will love the playful, brightly colored collages and multilingual exploration of animals from around the world and their names.

These beautiful board books pair gorgeous collages of eighteen types of animals or plants with their names across the six most popular languages worldwide: English, Chinese (Mandarin), Hindi, Spanish, French, and Arabic, as well as the language of universal friendship, Esperanto.

The Words of the World board book series encourages multilingual exploration and curiosity about our world within young readers.

Featured in Fuse #8 Production's / School Library Journal's 2021 Board Books

Featured in Tinybeans Best Children’s Books of 2021

“Lovely and informative.” —Elizabeth Bird, Fuse #8 Production

“Attractive paper collages... cut and layered to create arresting images. Lovely.” Kirkus Reviews

“Stunning new series... each book features not one but six languages, taking a new generation of readers one step closer to inclusion and representation in the books they consume.”  Let’s Talk Picture Books

“A board book series that shows an animal, or plant, and then how to say it in seven different languages. Each book has the same languages, which are color coded on the back so you can easily identify, and those languages that use characters, there is a pronunciation underneath.” —Storymamas


Artist: Motomitsu Maehara


Age Range: 0 to 5

Grade Range: pre-K to Kindergarten

Themes: Animals (Birds, Ocean Animals), Plants, Multilingual/Foreign Language Study, Art/Collage

$10.95 ea.
7 x 7 inches, 20 pages

Hardcover board book

Full-Color Illustrations

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ISBN: 9781736226445

Ebook ISBN: 9781737603283


ISBN: 9781736226438

Ebook ISBN: 9781737603290



ISBN: 9781735000565

Ebook ISBN: 9781736226483

Ocean Animals

ISBN: 9781735000558

Ebook ISBN: 9781736226476

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FALL 2021
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